Food & Communion: Reasons to Not Eat Alone

Food is a huge thing for me, as I enjoy cooking for others as a demonstration of how I feel about them. Hunger is a major issue in the world, especially for those of us who currently suffer, or have suffered not only from food insecurity, but housing instability.


  • Sometimes it seems that access to fresh fruits and veggies is harder and more expensive than junk food!

Studies have shown that families who share at least one to two meals a day, function a bit better in the communication and positive trajectory department. There are less dysfunctional events in a household that sits down to break bread together.


  • It’s important to turn off the TV, cell phone, and really focus on your plate and each other at dinner time.

Culture is something that gets transmitted and passed down in certain foods and dishes. Think on your grandmother or another family member’s signature dish. Consider the foods you routinely eat more of, and how it contributes to your health, your worldview, and how your taste buds have been shaped and cultivated. There is something to be said for genetic memory, creating memories over the dinner table, and holding onto traditions. We can learn a lot about each other, by partaking in the meals of others.

Lastly, bonding with others over the dinner table is critical to our health and sense of being connected to the world. Whether it is with family, a co-worker, or even a stranger – breaking bread with someone not only is about sharing and sustaining our physical selves, but can build bonds with one another with lasting effects. Even if it is just one meal, sharing a meal with someone encourages conversation, an exchange of social behaviors and norms, and makes us feel like we belong.


  • What you put on your fork matters. Put your values where your mouth is.

No matter if you are a carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, or omnivore… food matters. Food waste matters too, but that is another post. Please consider where your food comes from, how it is produced, what food choices matter most to you, and how your food choices effect your health, the planet, and transmit your cultural ideas and traditions.

If you feel touched enough by this post, please share it with others. Even more importantly, make an effort to share a meal with someone in need of food, company, and conversation. Don’t forget that we are all human and going through our individual struggles.


Ask yourself more questions about what you can do? How can you do it? When can it be done?

1 Simple Frugal Salad that Will Help You Bring on the Veggies!

So… I used to be a strict vegetarian, then I fell off the wagon. With my new found love for Greek yogurt, I decided to put it to the test for a lettuce-less salad.

The Essential Ingredients

  • 2 to 3 cucumbers
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 6 oz. Chobani plain non-fat yogurt
  • 1 can of chickpeas (optional, but its a good veggie protein!)
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • A good sized bowl
  • A spoon for mixing


Step 1

Wash off your veggies and set them on a plate or a clean counter top

Step 2

Peel your cucumbers. Slice cucumbers into disks and then dice into quarters or smaller pieces. Place pieces into your bowl.

Step 3

Dice your tomato and onions. Place into bowl with diced cucumber pieces. Drain can of chickpeas, rinse them, and then add them to your bowl of veggies.

Step 4

Scoop out your yogurt onto your vegetables.


Step 5

Shake ½ teaspoon or so of salt onto your veggies and yogurt. Shake some pepper to taste and garlic powder too.

Step 6

Halve your lemon, remove seeds, and then squeeze the juice all over the contents within your bowl.

Step 7

Mix everything together in your bowl gently, so the pieces don’t fall out. Feel free to eat after mixing thoroughly, or chill in the refrigerator for about 30 to 45 minutes before enjoying!

No More Excuses! 5 Reasons to Shop for More Plant Based & Organic Items to Add to Your Diet


Choosing healthy food options doesn’t always have to break your piggy bank!

Especially when funds are low or you don’t seem to have enough time in your day, nutrition is the first thing to go out the window for many people. You are what you eat and you are what you think. It is possible, especially if you choose more vegetarian dietary options, for you to increase the optimal nutrition in your life, lower your stress, stretch your dollar, and improve your health and outlook on life.


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Take 5 Minutes to Assess What You Can and Can Do at the Present Moment

Yes, making changes and assessing your spending and eating habits can be difficult, unwanted, or you may feel stressed out and already feel pushed to the brink already. However, by taking as little as 5 to 15 minutes out of your day to review how you feel, what your budget is, and exploring your options, you can feel a sense of regained control. Believe it or not, if we give in all the time to indulge in stress eating, binging on cheap chips, soda pop, candy, sugar filled snacks, and caffeine… we end up feeding our addictions, emotional voids, and not treating the root causes of our problems.


These little guys are great now and then, and yes, they are colorful, but they ain’t veggies!

Make Your Plate Colorful

Eating more colorful foods that are high in water content, high in fiber, and have quality protein sources can really make a difference in how we function throughout the day. Don’t believe the hype that eating healthy has to be super expensive, super specialized prepackaged products, and out of your reach. Change your shopping and eating habits by just 20% at the least, and you will see some positive outcomes. Yes, buying organic may seem out of reach for many, especially if you live in a food desert, or your stores are not accommodating your needs.

Have you considered shopping at farmers markets or buying in to a co-op farm for farm-to-table delivery? Have you considered talking to your local grocery store manager, to voice your concerns or desires for different food options? Have you considered shopping for specific items at smaller local chains vs. shopping at big box stores?

Personally, I have found some great items shopping alongside people willing to share their membership to venues like Sams Club, CostCo, and other big bulk suppliers to the public. One brand that I have found accessible and on sale fairly often, is EarthBound Farms. Their packs of pre-washed salad mixes, carrots, and other items have been relatively the same price as conventional selections on the market.



Use Coupons, Memberships, Co-op Farms  & Food Sharing

Another big help for selecting better quality food is timing and the use of coupons and sales. Typically as the seasons are changing, newer product is coming in, and on the weekend, a lot of items are on sale. Take advantage of savings around you and pay attention to your local sales circular, or signs in-store. Make sure to make use of those rain checks with coupons, if an item is not in stock. If you don’t know, ask your local store manager, and keep your eyes peeled on the dates things are on sale.

Pay attention to the labels on your items! Everything that is organic may not be labeled so. If anything, check for the NON-GMO Project Verified label on canned, bagged, and boxed items. You may find yourself landing a food windfall for your kitchen pantry. Beans, tomato paste, some soups, yogurt, and labels have been marked with this label, if you just look for it. Also try to find items that are in BPA-free liners too.

It may not be economically feasible for you to eat 100% organic and fair-trade, but choosing to eat as organic as possible in your diet, and shopping fair-trade does make a difference in the market. Companies pay attention to the actions of consumers, and eventually price will come down on certain items, and more options will be available for purchase. Support local establishments, as many of them are the forefront of changing the face of food availability that holds itself accountable, and seeks to serve people over profit.

When it comes to buying organic foods, try to purchase corn, tomatoes, peanuts, and other items organic. There are some good lists on foods that you definitely want to buy organic, whenever possible. If you ever go out to eat, it may be hard to avoid conventional foods, but the more positive changes you can make for yourself and your diet, with the choices of food you purchase to put into your body, the better.


Consider sharing meals with others, not only to give back, but to split costs. Make sure you try to limit the amount of foods treated with insecticides and chemicals as possible. Just because an item is listed organic does not mean it has not been treated with pesticides. Natural does not mean the same as organic and is just a food industry term and selling point to consumers. Research the owners of the companies you purchase. All labels and company names do not have transparency about how they have changed ownership, management, or their practices for food production and distribution.

When it comes to overall supplying yourself with a better diet, opting for fiber heavy whole grains, lean protein, and lots of colorful veggies will help you feel oh so much better! If you are not into eating salad, consider having some kale, spinach with chickpeas or pasta, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, cabbage, asparagus, or brussel sprouts. There are a plethora of various plant foods that we can eat. Consider eating a vegetable that you do not commonly eat, and expand the range of your palate. Choose red cabbage and red onions, over green cabbage and yellow onions. The colors of your plant foods offer unique and highly beneficial vitamins and nutrients that other types may not. Consider eating non-conventional greens like dandelion leaves and stems, which can be sauteed with olive oil, or eaten in a salad or with pasta.


Add herbs and spices with healthful benefits to play up the flavor of your food, and offer your their unique properties to balance health conditions. I love keeping spices like paprika, curry, basil, thyme, oregano, and cinnamon, just to name a few. Keeping things as simple as (sea) salt and black pepper can make your food go from blah to bland. Choose neutral oils like olive oil or soybean oil to cook your foods. Sometimes just giving your food a little time to saute, add a bit of char on a grill or in an oven, or steaming can help release flavors and healthful benefits within your meal.


Choose simple meal ideas like stuffed bell peppers, carrot soup, curry potato and pea soup, steamed broccoli and carrots, or tomato soup with a side of rice and beans, lean animal protein like chicken, turkey, or fish, or with a savory corn or herb muffin. Do not feel limited. We live in an age where we have things like YouTube and the internet to guide you with different cooking methods, meal ideas, and how to guides for making a dish. Just think about how you eat and why you eat a little differently. Ask yourself questions about what you put on your plate, the possibilities with a specific food item, and build something new and exciting around one or two select food items. Check out a meal that includes eggplant, a squash, bean sprouts, bok choy, kale, mushrooms, asparagus, or beans…


Remember, you are what you eat and you are what you think. Be creative. Live adventurously, and do not beat yourself up to uphold a rigid standard of being 100% true to a concept or idea about your diet, your money, and your lifestyle options. You can find some flexibility and options if you look for them. Your health is your wealth, and by choosing to make some steps to improve your life, learn how to cook inexpensive nutrition packed meals, and exploring the diversity and richness of the food around you… Not only will you benefit yourself, but you may help someone else out in the process too!

To your health!

3 Reasons That I Engage in Occasional Fasting

Living in a place where food is easy to obtain, thanks to the plethora of grocery stores, local small vendors with carts or tables, and corner stores… it is easy to take food for granted. I am not currently the most well-off person monetarily, however, in knowledge I feel extremely wealthy. Thanks to my good fortune to have access to food, in addition to the kindness of friends who share… I find it important to fast for 3 reasons.


1. I choose to fast to remind myself not to take food or my life for granted…

When I have the ability to choose what I want to eat (within reason), sometimes it may become easy to get comfortable, and assume that food will always be accessible, plentiful and inexpensive. Regarding the state of the economy, the affects of weather on various crops, and various market influences on the cost of food… it is important to be mindful about access to food, production of food, responsible sourcing, and cost.

When I fast, I remind myself that I am not too far removed from moments in my life when I have found it difficult to get a meal to eat, or did not know where my next meal was coming from. I remind myself of the times I have bypassed a plate, so that another could eat, or to make sure there was enough food to stretch for the week until more money came in…

It is disheartening to me that we still live in a world where it seems more than not, that food is a privilege rather than a right, and various socio-economic controls affect the lives of billions of people on the planet. When I have the ability to eat and feed my family, I am grateful. That I have the ability to take a day to not eat, by choice, I am grateful for the opportunity to do so. I seek to be mindful of my choices and contributions to food waste…



2. I fast to give my body a break from using most of my energy to the digestive process

Believe it or not, a lot of energy is used to break down food into energy via the digestive system. By choosing to abstain from eating for at least a day, I give my body’s system a break, and the energy can be divested to other parts of my body. If I am capable of undergoing a fast that lasts 7 to 10 days minimum, I believe that my body is able to utilize its energy to cell repair, and assessing damaged areas of my body.

During the time of my fast, I can take the time to be more mindful of my diet, how my body feels, and other areas that may not receive my full attention when focused on eating, making meals for the day, and my wants vs. needs over food.



3. I fast to get closer to discovering my inner nature and what makes me tick

I suffer from a lot of existential angst. I question why I am here, too often catch myself mulling over a past I cannot correct or return to, and eat my feelings. Fasting allows me to pull the plug on trying to fill those occasional frustrating moments or emotional voids, which prompt me to fill my stomach to soothe the discomfort. Fasting forces me to consider the origin point of my believed problems, focus more on creative solutions, and seek to listen to my heart and feed my mind.

It is a fascinating phenomenon, what takes place after 3 days of fasting. I do not engage in dry fasting, as I will drink plant juice, tea, and lemon water. After 3 days, hunger subsides, energy levels seem to boost, and I do not need as much sleep as usual. I like to take these opportunities to read more, be more around nature, or try to keep myself around positive energy, rather than dwell on negativity or things I have no control on.

I also find that when fasting, it is beneficial to take relaxing baths, focus on your breath, and do natural skin scrubs to help promote blood circulation and remove dead skin cells to allow the skin to breath better.

Whatever your reason, consider a fast to reconnect to your focuses and goals for your life. Fast to break your dietary habits which may not be contributing to your best health, mindset, or feeding problems you are not addressing. You don’t have to be some strict spiritual follower of a specific path or protesting to fast.

Just try it and see if it works for you.

*Disclaimer: I am not a physician. I can only write about my experiences coupled with research. Please, especially if you are on any medication or have any significant health issues or a health status which may cause you to develop ill effects if you engage in fasting… please consult a physician and/or nutritionist. Do your research before engaging in something such as a fast. *

To Your Health!


7 Reasons I Love Eating and Buying Chobani & Fage Yogurt, or Now That I’m a Parent I Have To Eat By Example

The days of being a college-age twenty something are long gone. No longer can I indulge in binging on pizza, chips, sodas, and other food products that bring a smile to my face, but  sometimes make me pay for it in the long-run. The reason you might ask? I am a parent now.

Since my kid is a toddler, and she is at that point where she really wants to mimic everything she sees her parents do… I knew I had to change my eating habits. Heck, I even upped the amount of time spent flossing in front of my tot, just to try and get the ball rolling on starting good health habits now.

So, here are 7 reasons I have found some newfound dietary happiness with yogurt, predominantly the brands Chobani and Fagepexels-photo-216951.

1. Fage yogurt has been a go-to item for me in the grocery cart, just because I love the flavors of this brand of Greek yogurt. I ate a lot of this brand while pregnant with my little one, coupled with some granola, fresh blueberries, banana slices, or strawberry slices. I think I ate this yogurt about 3 to 4 times a week.

2. Yogurt makes for an inexpensive snack that is packed with a nice dose of vegetarian protein, calcium, and goes great with fruit and cereal, or eaten alone. If the toddler wants a snack, I’m happy to give over a yogurt and not feel guilt. I look over my labels when I can, and have found that Chobani and Fage yogurt have had relatively low amounts of sugar.

3. The texture of Chobani and Fage yogurt are nice and smooth, and the fruit chunks inside, when I do get that type, are easy to go down and adds some fruit to my diet. Ahem, our diet.

4. Yogurt is great for marinades and salads. Tabbouleh salad anyone? Chicken marinated in yogurt and spices before being cooked? Yum. Yum. Yum.

5. Chobani and Fage yogurt are often on sale at my local grocery stores, and for this, I am truly grateful. As a parent, I have to really watch my budget, and every little bit helps. Thank you!

6. If I am craving something a little sweet, but don’t want to indulge in ice cream, Chobani or Fage yogurt does the trick.

7. Chobani and Fage yogurt come in a lot of varieties, are carried at a lot of grocery stores, and help give my diet a portion of calcium, protein, and taste great.

Can you think of any other great reasons to scoop up some Chobani or Fage yogurt today?

If you haven’t tried Greek style yogurt, I am confident you will enjoy the flavor in one of these brands. They have been around for a while. If not, try cooking with yogurt!

Chobani yogurt definitely wins out a little bit more with me, because it is made of NON-GMO ingredients. I do like the flavor of Fage a little better, but sometimes it is a little harder to find at the store…

To Your Health!

The Power To Achieve and Maintain Quality, or Presentation is Everything

One lesson I took away from taking  typography classes at a for-profit commercial design school, was presentation is everything.

It seems today, more than ever there exist many loud vociferous people who will stand up to shout down those of us who desire or think being Eco-friendly, sustainable, and responsibility is and should be a core value when it comes to doing business. Those who oppose changing to accommodate the changing needs of our planet and people say to be more Eco-friendly is overly expensive, unnecessary, and detrimental to the bottom line…

However, I think of Michele’s Granola.


This small company based in Maryland, focuses on making small batches of granola for optimum flavor and quality. This company stands out, not only for being awesome at creating a fair priced granola, but one that is comprised of organic and fair trade materials, and attractively packaged too.

One of the biggest things that stood out to me, was the fact that Michele’s Granola packages their items with biodegradable packaging peanuts! You can watch the peanuts melt away in water, which I did just for kicks, and because I couldn’t believe that Michele’s Granola was willing to make an investment in more Eco-friendly packaging materials than other companies focused on excuses!


How can you better tailor your packaging and presentation to others? This is to be done without sacrificing quality. Even better, how can you structure your presentation in a way that will continue to support your integrity and commitment you have delivering the best quality?

In order to achieve, we must first believe, create the vision we seek, and determined in our energy, focus on making our goals a reality!

3 Herbal Teas That Reduce Anti-Anxiety and Calm Your Mind, So You Can Focus on You & Your Goals


Sometimes we may find that our ever-growing fast paced world overwhelms our senses. It seems that all around us, we are surrounded by various distractions and stressors, which eagerly pull our attention away from taking care of our sense of balance and well-being. Since the only thing we can control is ourselves, it is good to have resources that will aid us. Aside from making sure that we take time out in our day, to quietly have some inner reflection or “personal time,” we can drink tea.

I am a huge champion for drinking herbal teas and using aromatherapy to help alleviate stress, gain healthful benefits and the utilization of natural health solutions that are plentiful and inexpensive.


Tea has been a popular drink by humans for thousands of years. The Chinese Emperor, Shennong, who was also a legendary herbalist, discovered tea in 2737 BCE. He liked to drink his water boiled before consumption so that it would be clean. Legend has it that the tea leaf plant managed to drop into his water before serving. After taking some sips of his newfound drink, tea became a new healthful staple to the Chinese, and later on enjoyed and prized by the rest of the world!

Herbal tea is not proper tea, as it does not contain the tea leaf plant. However, herbal tea mixtures provide easy access to extracting the beneficial that herbs contain wherein, just by steeping the herbs in some hot water. Think out of the box, and consider adding some tea to your bath on occasion, too! Chamomile, Lavender, and Passionflower are a few herbs that add color and enhance your bath to a relaxing experience.

Especially if you are struggling to keep your life in balance because of health issues which exacerbate anxiety, depression, and stress…drinking herbal teas with calming balancing properties might just save your day. Please consult your medical provider about any alternative methods to aid your health, just to be on the safe side.



Chamomile has been used for hundreds of years, prized for its ability to calm the nerves, and its mild sedative qualities help you to fall asleep easier. According to an article on Natural Society online, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School conducted an eight-week study of 57 patients suffering from various anxiety disorders. They found that pharmaceutical grade chamomile taken daily made noted improvement in patients.

The chamomile plant is found in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. In addition to reducing anxiety and stress, this little flower also helps lessen cramps, migraines, and reduce symptoms of IBS.


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Lemon Balm

The sweet lemon aroma of lemon balm has been prized for centuries for its ability to calm the mind, encourage peaceful sleep and its antioxidant qualities.  Lemon balm helps to protect the liver and supports the liver’s production of antioxidants glutathione and superoxide dismutase, according to Global Healing Center online. Lemon balm helps protect brain cells, boosts memory, and protects your brain from damage. This herb is a treasure, because of its abilities to promote healthy positive compounds in the body, and its neutralization of free radicals which create damage. Some say drinking this plant in tea form, and using its oil extracts will not only boost your vitality but encourage longevity, too!


Green Tea

Green tea has been prized for its antioxidant content, ability to lower cancer risks and improve overall health. Green tea contains flavonoids and catechins, which are powerful free radical destroying antioxidants.  Catechins in green tea have been shown to inhibit certain viruses and destroy bacteria in the body. Free radicals are responsible for contributing to aging and disease within the body. The L-theanine in green tea increases dopamine and has anti-anxiety effects. This quality within green tea greatly improves the function of your brain and gives it a natural boost.


Drink Tea to Slow Down & Stop to Enjoy the Beauty of Your Life

Drinking tea, especially herbal teas with healthful benefits, forces you to slow down. When you drink tea, it is a habit that can become a positive part of your daily routine, and an activity that you will happily look forward to doing. Sometimes we can find that we are so focused on external factors, from our job demands, family needs, and social media that we forget to unplug and enjoy our lives. Our time is precious, and so is making every moment count, especially to balance our health. When we live consciously, to protect our health, boost the positive, and take a moment to step outside of ourselves, we can better attune to our needs, and be of better service to others. Try a cup of tea, sip it slowly, and inhale deeply. Your anxiety, stress, and unease about things can truly melt away with the aid of a good cup of tea. Just try it and see!

The teas listed above are by no means the only teas available that have anti-anxiety and other helpful benefits for our life. Check out herbal teas like Kava Kava, Valerian, and other herbal teas that have similar functions.


Reboot Your Ramen!

Ramen is a popular meal of college students and fairly inexpensive. When I found myself in a pinch with some waterlogged rice, I put the rice aside and opted to use Ramen noodles instead. What I happened upon was a party in my mouth and a recipe that I would love to share with you!



1 Large Cucumber

1 package of Ramen noodles

1 tsp. Ginger (optional)

1 to 2 Scallions (optional)

1 Carrot

A Dash Salt

A Dash Pepper

2 tsp. Sugar

A Dash Garlic Powder

4 tsp. Teriyaki Sauce or Soy Sauce

4 tsp. Sesame Oil

2 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Large Chicken Breast (boneless and skinless)


Step 1

Take Chicken Breast and marinate it for 4 hours up to overnight in ginger, salt, pepper, sugar, garlic powder, teriyaki sauce, sesame oil, and apple cider vinegar. Remove breast from refrigerator and cook in sauté pan over medium heat on both sides until fully cooked. Put aside onto a plate when done.

Step 2

Wash and skin off the peel of cucumber. Slice into disks and place into a medium bowl. Add thinly sliced pieces of carrot for color and added nutrients. Toss cucumber and carrot pieces with sugar, salt, pepper, sesame oil, apple cider vinegar, ginger, and teriyaki sauce. Add pieces of diced scallion onto salad once mixed.

Step 3

Cook noodles as instructions described but do not use the flavor packet. Drain noodles once cooked, and follow up with a rinse in cool water to shock noodles. Place cooled noodles into a bowl.

Step 4

Toss cooled noodles with cucumber and carrot salad. Make sure to coat noodles with salad dressing. You can also opt to plate the noodles onto a plate or bowl, and place cucumber and carrot salad on top.

Step 5

Slice chicken into small bite-size pieces, and place on top of noodles and cucumber carrot salad mix.

Step 6



I really enjoyed this simple meal because of the portion size. Using these ingredients you can feed two. If you like larger portions, one person might fill up enough on this. Carrots and cucumber are fairly inexpensive healthy foods and chicken provides a lean protein. I found this to be a creative and flavorful way to spruce up a package of Ramen noodles hanging around the kitchen.

Warm Holiday Thoughts…


One good memory I have as a child was making pomander balls during the Christmastime season. The bright colors of the oranges we would use brightened up our place and made me hopeful for spring’s arrival. I loved the smell of the cloves we would push into the oranges. Cloves are a well-used spice in many baked goods during the Holiday Season and make a great addition to cookies, cakes, and pies. Cloves offer various aromatherapeutic benefits and aid digestion. They also are what make your glazed ham really zing on your taste buds.

Pomander balls add color and scent to your home, can be used as a token of prosperity, and are a positive reminder that winter eventually gives way to spring. Place your pomander balls in a bowl for display on a table, or hang it in a room with a colorful ribbon. 2017’s Pantone color is greenery so it might be chic to hang your pomander ball with a ribbon in this color.

Cloves for Toothaches

If your tooth is giving you a raging headache and you cannot run to the dentist just yet, try this! Place a clove or two near the site in your mouth that is bothering you. Within about 15 to 20 minutes, the clove should help dull down the pain a bit. Please do take care not to swallow the clove, and go to your dentist as soon as you can.

Out of Potpourri? Use Cloves!

If your house is in need of freshening and you don’t have potpourri around or time to go pick up some air freshener, I have a trick for you. Put a pot on the stove, fill it with 2 to 4 cups of water, add a handful of cloves and let it simmer on low heat. The scent of cloves will fill your home, remove bad smells, and uplift your spirits. Cloves are a strong spice, so adding a small teaspoon of cloves should be more than enough to do the trick. If you want, feel free to add some cinnamon and nutmeg to your water and cloves, for a more well-rounded scent of the Holiday Season.

*Best Wishes to You and Yours, No Matter What Your Faith Is!*

1 New Year’s Resolution for 2017!

Well, 2017 is about to round to a close, and I am counting down the days. One food that I think would be great to add to your diet this coming year is black rice. Black rice, also known as purple rice, or “Forbidden Rice” has been touted in Asia for its many nutritional benefits. This rare rice also has a fascinating beautiful color to it and can be found at H Mart, Woorjip, and other venues. I first had the pleasure of eating black rice at a wonderful little teahouse in Madison, Wisconsin. The dish I was served coupled this magical rice with carrot, scallion, enoki mushrooms, tofu, and ginger, tossed with sesame seeds, sesame oil, and soy sauce. They also have great Thai lemon and basil cookies too!

Black rice benefits your skin, heart health, and your digestive system. If you are unsure of how to cook your black rice, check out recipes online, and consider investing in a good rice cooker. If you can splurge, Zojirushi makes some of the best rice cookers on the market, in my humble opinion. I used to enjoy using a Zojirushi rice cooker that played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when the rice was ready; Plus you can make a cake in some models!  Enjoy the ancient grain, known as black rice, as a new food for 2017 and let your health shine!